5 Biblical Steps To Overcome Adversity

Each day, we face challenges. They may appear in our family, in personal relationships, or on the job. We must know the tools that God has freely given believers to remove every obstacle in our path.  

The Bible reminds us that we are never wrestling with flesh and blood people. That is a deception. We are wrestling with rulers of the darkness, which are demonic forces (Ephesians 6:12-13).  In other words, it is Satan that is our enemy, never any specific human being. The enemy does not have a body, he can only manifest his treachery (against us) through a human being. Often people who don’t have a personal relationship with God are totally unaware that their behavior is serving demons and not themselves.  Consider this truth, sin has consequences which can prove devastating to the sinner. 

God’s sons and daughters can recognize the work of the enemy and overturn it.  When facing threats of any kind (or issues and obstacles) here are five Biblical steps that overcome adversity. 

We must give the problem to God.  We can cast all (100%) of our worries on Christ, for He loves us deeply (1 Peter 5:7).  This means that we must stop worrying because worry extinguishes our faith.  It is impossible to please God without faith (Hebrews 11:6).  We know we are successfully trusting God for our deliverance when we choose to stop worrying

Repent.  Often we worry because we feel responsible for a portion of what we are experiencing. For instance, we may have neglected a duty or said the wrong thing.  We don’t always know the cause of a challenge, but it’s excellent to pray, “Father God, I repent of anything I may have done or neglected to create this situation. I receive your forgiveness right now and I trust You completely, to deliver me.” 

Walk in love with everyone.  The Word of God says, “Conquer evil by doing good” (Romans 12:21, NLT). Satan loves to stir up strife and plant resentment in our hearts because he knows that unforgiveness creates long-term havoc in our lives, and it is a sin.  As challenging as it may seem, make a list of everyone who has offended you since birth and say out loud, “Father, the Bible says that I must forgive others if I want You to forgive me of all my sins. Therefore, I forgive everyone who has ever sinned against me, hurt me, or disappointed me.  Cleanse my heart of all unforgiveness and resentment.  Just as You have saved me, I pray that all these people will be saved too. Thank You, Father, for forgiving all of us, in Jesus’ name, Amen.” This simple prayer of love, humility and faith (when said sincerely) will greatly please God. 

Stand on the Word of God.  Find a scriptural promise of God to stand on. Keep repeating it out loud and to yourself all day, especially when you are tempted to worry.  By speaking the very Words of God out loud in faith, you are destroying (knocking down) unseen forces of evil. 

Here are some favorite scriptures. 

“Nothing is impossible with God” (Luke 1:37).
“My God supplies all my needs” (Philippians, 4:19).
“Nothing can harm me” (Luke 10:19).
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).
“I have the victory” (1 Corinthians 15:57). 

Act in faith.  The Word of God says, “Faith without work is dead”(James 2:26).  God may tell us to wait for His further instructions. During this time, we should be praising and thanking God for his deliverance. Praise is a powerful form of action.  It is important to thank Him before the answer comes.  This releases amazing faith. Finally, acting in faith means that we proceed right now as if we already possessed what we have requested from God.  One of the best ways to receive a blessing is to prepare for it immediately. Praise and preparation confirm our faith. 

Be on guard.  Overcome temptations to share negative information and unbelief by complaining, gossiping, and slandering others.  Realize that God did not give us a spirit of fear, He gave us a spirit of power, love, and self-control (2 Timothy 1:7).  Fear, doubt and worry are completely evil.  At a spiritual level, these destructive habits actually strengthen the very challenges we are canceling. 

In summary, we can literally cut down the enemy through repentance, by walking in love with everyone, by standing on the Word of God and by speaking God’s Word instead of worrying or repeating the problem.  This seems simple, but it works. 

May God bless you abundantly as you trust in Christ and in the Word of God to overcome every adversity.

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