How to Hear God Clearly

1) Have Faith In Jesus & His Love: Trust in Christ’s love for us.

2) Pray Consistently: Daily prayer gives God an opportunity to communicate His special instructions to us regarding our life and circumstances. God told us that we could come boldly to His throne. We can ask Him specific questions. We can expect to be heard and helped.

3) Hear the Word of God & Study Independently: As we hear the Word of God, it helps us to know the will of God. Faith comes from hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17).

4) Be Humble and Teachable: We are more receptive when we clear our minds to approach God (and His word) with an open mind. In an effort to hear God clearly, sometimes we must be willing to abandon preconceived notions.

5) Acknowledge The Holy Spirit: The Spirit of God teaches us, comforts us and gives us the power to do God’s will. We can talk to Him just as we talk to Jesus and our Father God.

6) Expect An Answer: When believers pray to God in faith and according to His will, we know that He’s heard us and the answer is “Yes!” On some occasions we must practice patience as we wait on God’s perfect solution.

7) Know When To Wait: When we feel that you have not heard God clearly, sometimes that is a sign to wait. Many times God is working things out behind the scenes. He changes hearts and circumstances. If you don’t have peace of mind concerning a situation, do not move forward. The Spirit of God may guide us through unrest (as a warning), or through peace as signal to move forward. However, we must be careful to subjugate our own desires, making sure that our actions line up with the written Word of God.

8) Identify Procrastination: The Word of God encourages us to be both courageous and cautious. It says that we shouldn’t tell our neighbor to come back tomorrow if we can help him today (Proverbs 3:28,NLT). Trust the Spirit of God (through prayer and peace of mind) to warn you when to wait or to give you the joy to proceed.

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